Photoshoot Day

There's something about photoshoot day that I have always loved. It's like this energetic surge and intensity of design and inspiration. And watching your design come to life in a photo, with the camera manipulating what will be shown. But simultaneously, it feels like there's nothing else going on. You're in a vortex of design world. And the day just rolls by with non stop moving around the space. (Getting a bite to eat in the middle is a challenge!)

I'm sure you all want to know what goes on behind the scenes. Because let me tell you, it is not AT ALL as pretty as the final look. To start with, not every client's house is fully complete. A lot of clients run through their budgets towards the end. Or they move in without those last touches. Then life gets in the way and the styling doesn’t happen. Either way, there's a lot of work that goes into the photoshoot even before the day of.

A month before the shoot we went by my client's house. We took notes regarding all the items we were missing. We sourced those items. Some did not make it in time, some were not purchased and some came defective. For example, a few days before the shoot I found myself searching high and low for a powder room mirror locally. Yay, it was found.

The week before the shoot I made the flower order. The original flowers and branches I had ordered were not available and I had to improvise. The day before the shoot I came over with the florals, some accessories, books and decorative items. I also found passionfruits at my local ethnic supermarket. I love featuring exotic fruits in my setups. I started setting the house up. There were linens to put on, art to hang, flowers to cut. Unfortunately, my client's baby was sick too, so that added an additional challenge. Life, we gotta roll with it.

Day of the shoot- we meet at the space in the morning. I hired 2 photographers. One for the space itself and another to shoot a “behind the scenes” for you! we hung up the mirror, some art, made some last minute beds, move around furniture and then we just GO. We moved from room to room moving things around, moving their life around, hiding messes, cutting flowers, placing items.

In the middle of the shoot I got a call from my kids. My daughter had gotten sick and I had to face the difficult decision to stay or go. I ended up going. Sometimes life gets in the way of our plans and we have to just surrender to it. I left my assistant there with the photographer and prayed. (And it turned out great!)

Towards the end of the day, this beautiful light just spilled in from the sun setting, glowing up the space. We were in our groove and close to being done. The rushed feeling was done. I looked around, watching my work light up. The work my soul and womb birthed, with G-d’s help, proud of it and grateful that I get to bring happiness and joy to the people that inhabit my spaces. That's the part that counts for me. My work is special because it makes a positive difference in the lives of those who live there. It's a magical feeling!




A Woven Experience


Trends: A review on some current design trends and how to use them.