Spring Awakening

I spent the day going through old samples and just dumping. Sure, the “green” side of me wanted to return them all back to their prospective showrooms for reusing. But my assistant just said “do you have a large trash bag for these? Haha. Gosh, it felt amazing. 

I actually carried these massive bins of samples when I moved. Guess how many times I’ve used a sample from them? That’s right. Zero. The only samples being used are for art projects my kids are making. 

I used to hold on to things. And by things I mean EVERYTHING. Treasure them forever. Every note I passed in class, every card I ever got, every heirloom I received. Every article of clothing I wore (well it may come back in style!). I guess I did live a lot in the past. Reliving moments, remembering people, holding on to things that may be. I’m wondering what it did for me. Comfortable in the face of change? I think in actuality that it has held me back from a lot. Because what I’ve realized is that letting go, ridding of, moving on is the most expansive action you can take for new opportunities. 

A few months ago, I made a huge bonfire and burned photos, letters, cards; parts of my past that were keeping me stuck. What I have kept is items that bring me joy. Think KonMari “keep only those things that spark joy”. For example, a few art pieces and letters my children wrote, some photos I have good memories of, clothing articles I will always love. 

When it comes to Spring, we think Spring cleaning or Pesach if you celebrate. Washing the windows and dusting the moldings. But what is Spring cleaning about? Its about allowing the new light in and letting it shine on what we need to move on from. Because otherwise you will literally be stuck in a past that no longer serves you. 

My refresh for spring ideas will be fantastic, but it’s not going to reenergize your space if there’s stagnant energy around. My spring equinox message is move forward, don’t go back. 

Walk into your room in a present way and observe the items inside. What you will see from a present place is something you had not seen before. And then proceed on letting go. Put on some music, grab a trash bag and GO! 

Some tips on ridding of items:

  • Walk towards your bookshelf and choose 10 books you will never read again and put them out on the stoop. 

  • Find all the notebooks and projects (the ones the teacher did) your kids have laying around from previous years and trash. Don’t even reuse those binders! 

  • Check out your throw pillows and throw blankets. Toss the ones that are dirty, pilled and faded. 

  • It may be difficult letting go of some items and that’s ok. Talk yourself through those moments and give yourself a lot of love. You will feel so good after. 

Once you’re complete with letting go, the reward is the refresh. Here are some refreshing ideas that you can accomplish right away, by changing out new for old. 


Design in Prayer


Hotel Hopping